
Stuff You Need to Know

This component uses Twilio to send an SMS. In order to use it, you will need to have an account at Twilio, or create one first. Check this site for more information on using Twilio. Once configured, it sends whatever it gets in input to the phone number specified in the Settings.

How to Configure

Component-specific settings:
  • Account SID (field) - This is a unique identifier that Twilio assigns to your account. Find it in your account Settings, then General.
  • Auth Token (field) - A token generated by Twilio that indicates you are authorized to use that account.
  • From Number (field) - The phone number to send the message from.
  • To Number (field) - The phone number to send the message to.

Standard settings:

Click here to view information on standard settings.

What Happens Next

With any luck, the recipient at the "To Number" will get a text.