Shrimpy Get Asset Popularity
Stuff You Need to Know
This component retrieves aggregate information about asset percentage popularity of the chosen exchange. The popularity of an asset is calculated based on the percentage of portfolios that contain the asset. For example, if there are two users, one with 50% Bitcoin and one with 5% Bitcoin, the asset popularity for Bitcoin would be 100% because 100% of portfolios contain Bitcoin.
How to Configure
Component-specific settings:
- Select an Exchange (droplist) - Select the exchange you want to get asset popularity from. You must choose an exchange.
- Public Key (field) - The public key provided by Shrimpy. Use this link, Get API Key Here, to obtain a key.
- Private Key (field) - The private key provided by Shrimpy (Get API Key Here).
Standard settings:
Click here to view information on standard settings.
What Happens Next
This is the information that this component passes on to the next one. It is a JSON object with the following structure:
{ "exchange": "binanceus", "insights": [ { "id": 413, "name": "XRP", "symbol": "XRP", "tradingSymbol": "XRP", "percent": "38.06481059", "change24h": "-0.11700759", "change7d": "0.72959402", "change30d": "1.87524621" }, { "id": 229, "name": "Litecoin", "symbol": "LTC", "tradingSymbol": "LTC", "percent": "36.19351894", "change24h": "-0.03375379", "change7d": "0.97694644", "change30d": "3.06762138" }, ... }
This component receives the popularity numbers for all assets on the exchange you choose in the Settings. Using that information, you can next filter assets by popularity and gain insights about asset activity.
Want More Info?
Read more at Shrimpy Documentation for Get Asset Popularity.