This template highlights how easy it can be to implement one of the most common use cases for Emblem Vaults: Automatic creation of vaults for dropping any combination of cyrptocurrencies to all users in a system. It downloads a csv file from a server (GitHub, in our case), and then goes through each row in the file and creates an Emblem Vault for that user. Then, it puts the data for each user, with their Emblem Vault info, into a readable package and outputs that to the screen. In a production use case, you would want to store them back in a file or enter them into a database.
This template introduces the deeper level concepts of data import and manipulation. We are using an HTTP downloader to grab a file, which in this case, we know is in CSV format. This is the first template that retrieves data from an external source.
Then, we are transforming that CSV data to JSON format, to work with it more easily. JSON is a common data exchange format used in many web applications today. It is considered lightweight and pretty easy to work with.
For each user (or row in the CSV file), we are creating them a Emblem Vault. The CSV 2 JSON component is sending users one at a time to the Create Emblem Vault component.
At this point, we have 2 sources for data that we want to combine: users from the CSV and Emblem Vaults created in the previous component. We want to combine those pieces of data into a single, coherent object.
And we want that object to be readable, so in the Transform Object component, we take only the specific properties from the JSON that we want to grab and give them friendly, readable names.
Finally, each user and its associated Emblem Vault info is output to the Console tab.